Sunday, September 7, 2008

How To Start A Business For $20 Bucks

Don't be fooled by all of the hogwash you see online about (HomeBased Businesses). I'm not trying to burst your bubble, but thechances in your success online are slim to none. That is unless you look outside of the box. A lot of online businesses claim to do thisalready, but they actually just use the same old song and dance.

Why do I tell you this? Because I just closed out a business I was in for over a year and a half which claimed to be the best online business. I mainly got involved to track it's success as it grew. The owners appeared to be sincere and honest. They prided their new business venture on not being a part of the MLM arena. It didn't take long, though, before that's just what happened.

I have been in MLMs for years. I was with some very well known businesses. Most went belly up, but a few are still around today.

An MLM, unless thoroughly thought out by it's originators, will not succeed without it's members. It can't. With a lot of MLM type business models once the money begins to roll in the people at the lower end of the pyramid, yes I said pyramid, tend to get forgotten about. The money rolls uphill mostly to the people at the top. The harder the people at the lower levels work the less the people at the top have to. That's the whole idea behind it in the first place.

I spent thousands of dollars and lots of hours in classes and workshops both online and off. Remember I said I have worked MLMs a long time. I began before computers and the Internet were common place.

I bought everything they said to, read everything they said to, andadvertised where they said to. They just were not telling me what Ireally needed to know or what they didn't want me to know, that is!

Bottom line is that I did everything I was told made a bunch of money, but most of it went upstream to my sponsors. Why? Because there was always something I was not told or taught.

MLMs mainly work for people who have plenty of money to throw into it all at once for start up costs and advertising. In fact themajority of the so called "Big Hitters" or "Gurus" in this network marketing came from some corporate executive job or owned acorporation themselves. At least in the business I just got out ofthat's the way it appeared to be. The fact is these people already had plenty of money to get started.

Yes, there is the occasional hard worker who makes it through all of the obstacles thrown in their path. However, the statistics speak for themselves: (approximately 99.9% of participants lose money – after subtracting purchases from the company.) You can read the rest of the report by using my link MLMs...The Truth in Bill's Links.

Now I want to show you something.

You don't have to have a lot of money to start an online business. In fact just $20 dollars USD will do it. You don't have to pay costly monthly membership fees, Admin fees, or program costs.

You don't have to pay for support or marketing tools sold to you by the same company who wants you to pay them part of your commissions.

You don't have to do any of this and you can still have your own business, work out of your home, make money, and be comfortable with the fact that nobody is trying to keep you paying at the bottom of some pyramid! You can check out what I mean by going here:

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Top Home Businesses...What They Are & Are Not

  • A top Home Business does not keep you in online classes every spare minute.
  • A top Home Business does not charge you monthly admin fees.
  • A top Home Business does not charge you for support.
  • A top Home Business does not take part of your profit for commission splits.
  • A top Home Business does not make you pay a membership fee to teach you.
  • A top Home Business does not cost you an arm and a leg for start up costs.
  • A top Home Business does not keep you in suspense trying to figure it all out.

  • To see what a TOP HOME BUSINESS is...Click Here:TOP HOME BUSINESS

    Sunday, February 17, 2008

    Extremely Odd Results....Or Is It?

    The other day I asked several people on the street, in the mall, and in stores (10 actually) if they were willing to work hard for 15 days to earn about $15,000. The answers ranged from, "What kinda work?" to "Hell yes!" The odd thing was most people just said, "No." or "I don't have the time." They did not even ask how many hours a day. Why were they not concerned with how many hours a day?

    So I changed my question to this: "If you were paid overtime pay for about 10 to 15 hours each day for 15 days on your present job, would you?" Once again I was astounded by the answers I received. Almost everyone said yes!

    If a person makes, say $10.00 per hour, the overtime rate would be $15.00 per hour. Now if they worked 15 hours a day at this rate it amounts to $225.00 (US Dollars). This times 15 days would equal $3,375 (US Dollars).

    The reason this is astounding is because they were not willing to work hard for the same number of hours in their own home to make $15,000.00 for their own bank accounts, but they were willing to do it on their existing JOBS to put money into someone elses pocket. Sure they would have earned $3,375, but the people they work for would have earned much more.

    So I ask you, what's wrong with this picture?

    It's called a Paradigm pronounced:(para-dime). Paradigm Paralysis, if you will. The inability to see beyond the current models of thinking. Get my point?